Covid Safety

What We Do To Make Level99 Safe

Last Updated: March 1, 2022

In addition to following all guidelines which have been provided by the city, the state, and the federal government, Level99 has taken the measures below for your safety.

  • Challenge rooms, arena games, touch screens, tables, chairs and other high contact touch points are sanitized on a regular basis throughout the day.
  • We also disinfect each touch surface with a sanitizing solution after each day of business.
  • Level99 challenge rooms are limited to a maximum of 6 guests at a single time, all from your party (you will never be grouped with strangers).
  • All challenges and arena games are designed for one way traffic only.
  • Restrooms are cleaned multiple times a day, disinfecting all contact surface points such as handles, knobs, faucets, etc.
  • Team Members are monitored for symptoms each shift and required to stay home if sick.
  • All Team Members are required to wear a mask while working, regardless of vaccination status.

How You Can Help Keep Level99 Safe

  • Stay home if you are not feeling well or have come in contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • Hand sanitizer is stationed throughout our venue. Please use it regularly during your visit.
  • Team Members may issue additional directions, which must be complied with for your safety and theirs.